CUHK BBA-JD Double Degree Programme

Programme Brochure

& Videos

Check out the programme brochure and videos to learn more about the BBA-JD Double Degree Programme and find out why our students enjoy being a part of our BBA-JD community. Don’t forget to share them with anyone who might be interested in joining us! 

Programme Brochure

Programme Videos

Double Degree in BBA and JD Opens Doors to Wider World and Career Prospects
Double Degree in BBA and JD Opens Doors to Wider World and Career Prospects
How do you like CUHK BBA-JD?
How do you like CUHK BBA-JD?
How would you describe CUHK BBA-JD?
How would you describe CUHK BBA-JD?
Can you tell me more about CUHK BBA-JD admission interview and how it goes?
Can you tell me more about CUHK BBA-JD admission interview and how it goes?
How special is CUHK BBA-JD?
How special is CUHK BBA-JD?
Will BBA-JD students have the chance to do an internship and study abroad?
Will BBA-JD students have the chance to do an internship and study abroad?